Hi Guys,
I have homemade Greek Yogurt . It is only 30k/100g box. It is creamy and delicious. I have low sugar and no sugar versions, and matcha if you like.
If you want to buy, please order at least 2 boxs (100g) and order before 1 day.
I also have fruit jam to use with Greek Yogurt.
Thank you so much! 😉
P/s: Now I have 400g box, price…Read more
Integer aliquet sodales nisi sed volutpat. Nulla odio nunc, lobortis et diam ac, fermentum finibus est. Duis at leo vitae est tristique imperdiet. Phasellus facilisis justo enim, et consequat eros interdum et. Sed porttitor neque id eleifend vulputate.
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Integer aliquet sodales nisi sed volutpat. Nulla odio nunc, lobortis et diam ac, fermentum finibus est. Duis at leo vitae est tristique imperdiet. Phasellus facilisis justo enim, et consequat eros interdum et. Sed porttitor neque id eleifend vulputate.